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Золотой Лев!

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Золотой Лев!

Добро пожаловать в усадьбу

Золотой Лев!

Добро пожаловать в усадьбу

Золотой Лев!

This beautiful family house has a long and rich history. In the past 400 years it has been at the heart of politics, philosophy and social thought. It's inspired generations of people who have had influence on the world around them. In recent times an award winning restoration has seen it brought back to life and become a family home once again. We are now excited to share it with you.



Старинное поместье, основанное на святой русской земле более 400 лет назад (первое упоминание в Писцовых книгах 1577 года) с вековым липовым парком, крепостным валом, дубами времён Екатерины Великой; источником, освящённым в честь Сергия Радонежского, приглашает Вас в прекрасный и волнующий мир традиционной русской усадьбы!
Большой Каретный павильон, построенный в традициях русской деревянной архитектуры, органично вписан в исторический липовый парк, заложенный в середине XIX века. Общая площадь парка составляет более гектара.

Старинное поместье, основанное на святой русской земле более 400 лет назад (первое упоминание в Писцовых книгах 1577 года) с вековым липовым парком, крепостным валом, дубами времён Екатерины Великой; источником, освящённым в честь Сергия Радонежского, приглашает. Старинное поместье, основанное на святой русской земле более 400 лет назад (первое упоминание в Писцовых книгах 1577 года) с вековым липовым парком, крепостным валом, дубами времён Екатерины Великой; источником, освящённым в честь Сергия Радонежского, приглашает.


Гостевые дома

We are a family home and it has been a long journey to get to where we are today. Keeping this house going is what makes us happy. Here we share our story with you.



If you are about to get married then look no further, we are the house you've always dreamed of. If you are about to get married then look no further, we are the house.



We are a family home and it has been a long journey to get to where we are today. Keeping this house going is what makes us happy. Here we share our story with you.


Фотосессии и мастерклассы

If you are about to get married then look no further, we are the house you've always dreamed of. If you are about to get married then look no further, we are the house.



We are a family home and it has been a long journey to get to where we are today. Keeping this house going is what makes us happy. Here we share our story with you.



If you are about to get married then look no further, we are the house you've always dreamed of. If you are about to get married then look no further, we are the house.



We are a family home and it has been a long journey to get to where we are today. Keeping this house going is what makes us happy. Here we share our story with you.



If you are about to get married then look no further, we are the house you've always dreamed of. If you are about to get married then look no further, we are the house.